New Wudu & Washroom Area
Darul Hijra Islamic Center (DHIC) needs new washrooms and wudu areas because the current ones no longer meet the needs of the mosque. The reason for this is that they are too small for the number of people who come to the mosque. They are causing inconveniences as people have to wait in line for long periods and it could interrupt their ability to purify themselves in order to pray. The new washrooms and ablution space will have much larger capacity. Further, they will be situated in a different area as the current space cannot be expanded. This means new plumbing and preparation are required and this will factor into the total cost of the project as well. Furthermore, they will have accessibility features to allow persons with disabilities (POW) and elderly individuals have equal access. The new washroom facilities will have showers to accommodate people staying for Itikaf and Musafir. Upon completion of this project the mosque’s facilities will be able to handle the overflow of visitors and provide easy and safe access to everyone.